The following announcement is from our partners at the Florida Department of Health - Duval County:
We acknowledge that there have been extended waiting periods for families to be seen for WIC services in Duval County. In order to expedite the process, we are coordinating efforts with other county Departments of Health in Florida to streamline the process
as follows:
The initial intake will be done by DOH staff and the family will receive an unfunded EBT card at that visit.
They will then be scheduled with a Registered Dietician/Nutrition Educator for a “TeleWic” visit that can be done across county lines
to improve access. The EBT card will be activated once this visit is completed. This visit only requires telephone communication and is not a video call.
Priority clients include NICU babies, homeless, those under 6 months, migrant farmer families.
process should take less than 2-3 weeks.
This process has already allowed 181 additional appointments for clients to be seen per week and the team is pushing to increase this to 210 additional per week with our assisting counties. This will expedite the
working of the backlog appointment list to get us to current appointment offerings. We ask that our partners and community are patient with us as we work diligently to get this new process up and running efficiently.