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CE Broker for DCMS Members



CE Broker is the official continuing education tracking system for the Florida Department of Health and manages the database of CME records for all physicians in the state.

The DCMS and CE Broker joined together to offer our members a promo code for $10 off subscription plans with CE Broker.

To sign up for your Professional Account with CE Broker:

1. Visit

2. Click on "Get Started" at the top left of the page
3. Select Florida Department of Health from the drop down menu and click continue.
4. Click "more" under the Professional Account section (center of the screen)
5. Click "Skip Trial and Subscribe!" and register using our DCMS offer code in the "Association Discount Code" section of registration. (Contact us if you need the coupon code)

Benefits of CE Broker's Professional Service:


  • See your renewal requirements in detail.
  • Quickly report missing CE.
  • Check your compliance status anytime.
  • Know when your requirements are fully met.
  • Find approved educational providers.
  • Receive important notifications from your regulating agency.


  • Permanently back up your reported documents.
  • Store heart cards & multiple licenses.


  • Access your account through free apps.
  • Review all past course info in your Course History.
  • Digitally Store all your certificates.

To determine compliance with continuing education renewal requirements, the DOH, Division of Medical Quality Assurance, reviews the records in CE Broker. 

Beginning with the physician renewal January 2014, the DOH will verify each physician's continuing education records in CE Broker at the time of renewal. Physicians will be prompted to report CME hours if their continuing education records are incomplete. 

To learn more about CME Requirements, click here.