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REVIEW ARTICLEHIV/AIDS: Epidemiology, Transmission, and Prevention UpdateRoss Jones, MD, MPH, FAAFPWhile HIV rates have continued to decline, thousands of Floridians are still being diagnosed every year. Similar to other chronic conditions, prevention is paramount. Providers must be vigilant in screening for HIV and using appropriate prevention methods if they hope to continue to decrease the rate of HIV infections. Accordingly, the state of Florida requires ongoing training for HIV/AIDs among physician providers in the areas of epidemiology, transmission risk, and prevention. REVIEW ARTICLEPrevention of Medical Errors: Root Cause Analysis and Misdiagnosed ConditionsLinda Edwards, MD and Francys Calle Martin, Esq., LHRMMultiple studies benchmarking the incidence of medical errors have led to efforts to improve patient safety, resulting in regulatory agencies and healthcare providers across the nation making the prevention and reduction of medical errors a priority. Providers should understand how regulatory agencies have shaped the patient safety movement, provided a structure for identifying causes of medical errors, and developed effective preventive strategies. Based on state and national reports of patient safety events and malpractice data, regulatory agencies have established patient safety goals for the prevention of medical errors. REVIEW ARTICLEScreening, Detection and Intervention for Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner ViolenceLinda Edwards, MD, Brittany Lyons, DO, and Francys Calle Martin, Esq., LHRMDomestic Violence/intimate partner abuse is prevalent throughout the United States (U.S.), as well as the rest of the world. More than one in three U.S. women reported unwanted sexual contact (e.g., groping) in their lifetime and nearly one in four men in the U.S. experienced some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetime. It is therefore critically important for healthcare providers to be aware of the prevalence of domestic violence and become familiar with appropriate screening and referral tools in order to identify victims and provide resources. InstructionsRead the article and then use the corresponding link to take the CME test. Members must be logged in to take the test for free.
The DCMS thanks Baptist Health for its partnership on CME accreditation. |
2024 State-Mandated CME Program